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Search results for delta,857 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,857
Translated headword: I will learn
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes in
Clouds [writes]: "but by praying to the gods I will learn." Instead of
didaxqh/somai.[1] In this instance it should be understood passively, that is I will be taught. It is [one] of the middles, for it has a passive form, but its meaning is active. For he might say, "I will have my son taught [
dida/comai (middle voice)] philosophy," more correctly than "I will teach" [
dida/cw (active voice)]. For the teacher will say
dida/cw, but the father [will say]
dida/comai and [so too will] anyone who sends another to learn. So in this instance it can be the same, so that it is understood "I will send to school – if not my son, then myself." Since the meter did not allow him to say
e)mauto\n dida/cas ["teaching myself"], he said "going myself into the think-shop."
Greek Original:*dida/comai: *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais: a)ll' eu)ca/menos toi=s qeoi=sin dida/comai. a)nti\ tou= didaxqh/somai. nu=n me\n paqhtikw=s a)podekte/on, toute/sti didaxqh/somai. e)/sti de\ tw=n me/swn, paqhtiko\n me\n ga\r e)/xei to\n sxhmatismo/n, e)ne/rgeian de\ dhloi=. ei)/poi ga\r a)\n dida/comai to\n ui(o\n filosofei=n kuriw/teron h)\ dida/cw. dida/cw me\n ga\r o( dida/skalos e)rei=, dida/comai de\ o( path\r kai\ pa=s o( paradidou\s e(/teron manqa/nein. dunato\n ou)=n kai\ nu=n me\n ei)=nai to\ au)to/: i(/n' h)=| noou/menon, dida/comai, e)pei\ ou) to\n ui(o/n, e)mauto/n. tou= me/trou ou)k e)pitre/pontos ei)pei=n e)mauto\n dida/cas, e)/fh au)to\s badi/zwn ei)s to\ frontisth/rion.
Clouds 127 (web address 1), and
scholia. See also
epsilon 232.
[1] That is, the future middle is being used in the sense of the future passive. The scholion continues with a possible explanation of the usage in this passage of
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 25 April 2004@01:46:25.
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