[Meaning] to dig through, to scoop out. "[...] to order everybody to scratch through the sand and to make good-sized hollows".[1]
*diaya=n: dioru/ttein, diaskaleu/ein. keleu=sai pa/ntas diaya=n th\n a)/mmon kai\ poiei=n boqu/nous eu)mege/qeis.
Same entry in ps.-
Zonaras. The headword (otherwise unattested) is the present active infinitive of the verb
diaspa/w, drawn from the quotation which follows the glossing.
LSJ s.v. surveys its range of meanings and applications, including in medical literature, where it means “to cleanse” (nostrils or ears) and also, very frequently, “to apply a liniment by massage” (e.g Galen,
De compositione medicamentum secundum locos 12.958, 12.984;
Dioscorides Pedanius,
Euporista vel De simplicibus medicinis 1.208, etc.).
[1] Quotation unidentifiable.
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