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Headword: *diafane/s
Adler number: delta,810
Translated headword: transparent
Vetting Status: high
They say that [something] transparent is a nature present in many [substances] that lets things pass through. When light is not present this thing itself is transparent in potentiality, but becomes transparent in actuality when light is present. Not only are the air and water transparent, but also many of the solid materials, such as moonstones, horns, glass, gypsum, and other things. The celestial material also partakes of transparency and invisibility, such as the fluid of the spheres; for it is completely transparent. Indeed, we see the stars in the firmament through it. Now the spheres are transparent but the stars are not transparent at all, and this is why they get in each others' way. Hence eclipses of the sun, at least, clearly appear to happen when the moon gets in its way.
Greek Original:
*diafane/s: diafane/s fasin ei)=nai fu/sin tina\ e)n plei/osin u(pa/rxousan, diaporqmeutikh\n tw=n xrwma/twn, h(/tis fwto\s me\n mh\ paro/ntos duna/mei e)sti\n au)to\ tou=to diafane/s, e)nergei/a| de\ gi/netai diafane\s fwto\s paro/ntos. e)/sti de\ diafanh= ou)k a)h\r mo/non kai\ u(/dwr, a)lla\ kai\ polla\ tw=n sterew=n swma/twn, oi(=on feggi=tai li/qoi, ke/rata, u(/elos, gu/yos kai\ e(/tera. e)/stin ou)=n tou= diafanou=s h( fu/sis, h(/tis e)n plei/osin ou)si/ais u(pokeime/nais e)/xei to\ ei)=nai, e(te/ra au)tw=n ou)=sa, w(/sper kai\ e)pi\ tw=n e(te/rwn poioth/twn o(rw=men. mete/xei de\ th=s diafanei/as kai\ to\ a)i/+dion to\ a)/nw sw=ma, oi(=on to\ xu=ma tw=n sfairw=n: diafane\s ga\r a(/pan. kai\ ga\r o(rw=men ta\ e)n th=| a)planei= a)/stra dia\ tou/tou. kai\ ai( me\n sfai=rai diafanei=s ei)si, ta\ a)/stra de\ ou)ke/ti, o(/qen kai\ e)piprosqou=sin a)llh/lois. e)nteu=qen gou=n h( tou= h(li/ou e)/kleiyis e)piprosqoume/nou u(po\ th=s selh/nhs e)nargw=s fai/netai gi/nesqai.
John Philoponus, Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 319.14-17 and 324.2-25; partly again at epsilon 464 (end).
The headword, repeated when the quotation begins, is neuter nominative/accusative singular of this adjective; cf. delta 811.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 January 2004@21:28:23.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplied note; typo) on 22 January 2004@04:03:29.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword) on 3 July 2012@04:03:47.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 30 October 2015@11:01:00.


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