Meaning happens now on the right side of the boat, now on the left.
*diatoixei=: a)nti\ tou= pote\ me\n e)pi\ tou= deciou= toi/xou tou= ploi/ou, pote\ de\ e)pi\ tou= a)risterou= gi/netai.
Same entry in
Photius and elsewhere. The headword, presumably quoted from somewhere (and cf. in any event
Eubulus fr. 51 Kock, now 50 K.-A.), is preferred by
Phrynichus and
Pollux over
a)natoixei=; see LSJ s.v. (web address 1).
For the
toichoi, literally walls, of a boat cf. e.g.
Odyssey 12.420 and see LSJ s.v., 2.
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