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Search results for delta,764 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,764
Translated headword: across a shield plain
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Some [sc. say it is so called] because of the many shields that have been abandoned in it, but others [say it is] 'shield-like' because of the circular shape of the plain; others from its length.
Greek Original:*di' a)spide/os pedi/oio: oi( me\n dia\ to\ polla\s a)spi/das e)n au)tw=| e)rri/fqai, oi( de\ a)spidoeidou=s dia\ to\ tou= pedi/ou perifere/s, oi( de\ a)po\ mh/kous.
From the
scholia to
Iliad 11.754, where indirect tradition transmits the headword phrase. The mss themselves, however, have
dia\ spide/os (a 'vast' plain); and this is the version -- the one addressed here in the third interpretation given -- preferred by modern editors.
Keywords: epic; geography; imagery; military affairs; poetry
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 October 2003@22:10:49.
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