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Adler number: delta,747
Translated headword: shaking those liable to audit (to see) whether they are ripe or not
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with an accusative. Meaning being able to be shaken gently and easily. But
Aristophanes has used the words metaphorically from fig-picking. So, just as in the case of fruits, it is possible to pick and eat from the ripe ones but not yet from the unripe ones; so also in the case of men, he is saying, Kleon was calculating and deciding who was fit to be shaken, and who was tough and hard to fight against. Instead of saying 'poor or rich', he stuck with the metaphor as in reference to figs.
Greek Original:*diasei/wn tou\s u(peuqu/nous, ei) pe/pwn h)\ mh\ pe/pwn: ai)tiatikh=|. a)nti\ tou= a(palw=s kai\ r(a|di/ws diaseisqh=nai duna/menos. metaforikw=s de\ a)po\ tou= suka/zein ke/xrhtai toi=s o)no/masin *)aristofa/nhs. w(/sper ou)=n e)pi\ tw=n karpw=n e)k me\n tw=n pepo/nwn e)/sti dre/yasqai kai\ fagei=n, e)k de\ tw=n a)w/rwn ou)ke/ti: ou(/tw, fhsi/, kai\ e)pi\ tw=n a)nqrw/pwn o( *kle/wn dielogi/zeto kai\ die/krine, ti/s e)pith/deios diaseisqh=nai, kai\ ti/s sklhro\s kai\ duskatama/xhtos. a)nti\ de\ tou= ei)pei=n, pe/nhs h)\ plou/sios, e)ne/meine th=| metafora=| w(s e)pi\ su/kwn.
The headword phrase comes from
Knights 259-60 (web address 1 below), with -- after the initial grammatical gloss -- explanation from the
scholia there.
'Those liable to audit' were
Athens' magistrates and others whose conduct in office was scrutinized once their year was over; cf.
upsilon 404. For Kleon see generally
kappa 1731.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; comedy; constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; food; history; imagery; law; politics
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 3 April 2004@12:51:30.
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