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Search results for delta,679 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,679
Translated headword: to shred
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to destroy, to cut through. "But he was convicted, and the People were about to shred him. And they did not release him, but rather they allowed him to go away from land to land."[1] And elsewhere: "and he, having committed accursed murders and having shredded the laws and having renounced the nature of men and having made marriages that were both without sacrifices and without marriage [...]."[2]
Greek Original:*diacai/nein: a)nairei=n, diako/ptein. o( de\ e(a/lw, kai\ e)/mellen o( dh=mos diacai/nein au)to/n. o( de\ ou)k a)fh=ken, a)ll' ei)/asen au)to\n gh=n pro\ gh=s a)pie/nai. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ fo/nous e)rgasa/menos e)nagei=s kai\ diarrh/cas kai\ diach/nas tou\s no/mous kai\ th\n a)ndrw=n a)peipa/menos fu/sin kai\ gh/mas a)qu/tous te kai\ a)ga/mous e)kei=nos ga/mous.
Aelian fr. 134a Domingo-Forasté, 131 Hercher; cf.
pi 2358, which seems to make better sense.
Aelian fr. 127b Domingo-Forasté, 124 Hercher (from
De mima Syra); cf.
alpha 773,
theta 187.
Keywords: definition; ethics; geography; history; imagery; law; religion; women
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 23 September 2003@18:57:20.
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