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Search results for delta,673 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,673
Translated headword: to think
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "This is an activity and outlet of the soul. For to know many things is possible, but to think many things at the same time is impossible. For every one who thinks is thinking one thing. For just as it is impossible to say many words at the same time, so also [it is impossible] to think many things at the same time. For thought [is] a kind of speech, with the soul itself speaking by itself."
Greek Original:*dianoei=sqai: tou=to e)ne/rgeia/ e)sti kai\ die/codos th=s yuxh=s. e)pi/stasqai me\n ga\r polla\ dunato\n ei)=nai, dianoei=sqai de\ a(/ma polla\ a)du/naton. pa=s ga\r o( dianoou/menos e(/n ti dianoei=tai. w(s ga\r a)du/naton a(/ma le/gein pollou\s lo/gous, ou(/tws dianoei=sqai a(/ma polla/. lo/gos ga/r tis h( dia/noia, au)th=s th=s yuxh=s e)f' e(auth=s legou/shs.
Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 204.7-10. The target passage begins at
Topica 114b31.
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 23 September 2003@18:53:02.
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