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Search results for delta,657 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,657
Translated headword: cutting through
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he] reaping.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the plural]
diamw/menoi, [meaning they] digging through, searching for.[2]
Thucydides [writes]: "cutting through the gravel by the sea, [most] drank whatever was likely [to be] water".[3]
And elsewhere: "they pitched camp on the snow, cutting through and clearing away in between".[4]
Greek Original:*diamw/menos: qeri/zwn. kai\ *diamw/menoi, diaska/ptontes, zhtou=ntes. *qoukudi/dhs: diamw/menoi to\n ka/xlhka e)pi\ th=| qala/ssh| e)/pinon oi(=on ei)ko\s u(/dwr. kai\ au)=qis: oi( de\ e)skh/noun e)pi\ th=s xio/nos diamw/menoi kai\ metacu\ e)kkaqai/rontes.
[1] Same glossing, according to Adler, in the
Ambrosian Lexicon. The headword itself (present middle participle, masculine nominative singular, of
diama/w; cf.
delta 656) must be quoted from somewhere; extant possibilities include Appian,
Libyca 166, and
Imagines 2.8.2, though in neither case does the context make a good fit with this gloss.
[2] cf. the
scholia to
Thucydides 4.26.1 (sic, but see next note).
Thucydides 4.26.2 (web address 1)
[4] Cited at Arrian,
Parthica p.27 Roos, but not regarded by him as an actual fragment of Arrian.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 16 September 2003@17:28:26.
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