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Adler number: delta,651
Translated headword: measured-out day
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is a certain amount of water flowing through a measured aperture in a day; it used to be measured in the month Poseideon, so that, naturally, those trials [sc. in classical
Athens] which were most important and concerned the most important things used to be held in accordance with it. The water was divided into three parts, one for the plaintiff, one for the defendant, and the third for those on the jury. Also to be considered[1] is what is in
Isaeus: he says that in a measured-out day the trials sometimes take place without water, sometimes in accordance with water.[2]
Greek Original:*diamemetrhme/nh h(me/ra: me/tron ti/ e)stin u(/datos pro\s memetrhme/non h(me/ras dia/sthma r(e/on: e)metrei=to de\ tw=| *poseidew=ni mhni/, w(s dh\ tou/tw| h)gwni/zonto oi( me/gistoi kai\ peri\ tw=n megi/stwn a)gw=nes. diene/meto de\ tri/a me/rh to\ u(/dwr, to\ me\n tw=| diw/konti, to\ de\ tw=| feu/gonti, to\ de\ g# toi=s dika/zousin. e)piskepte/on de\ tw=| par' *)isai/w|, o(\s memetrhme/nhs h(me/ras o(te\ me\n xwri\s u(/dato/s fhsi gi/nesqai tou\s a)gw=nas, o(te\ de\ pro\s u(/dwr.
Abbreviated from Harpokration s.v.
pi 2105.
[1] In addition, that is, to the preceding material, which (as Harpokration shows) originates with
Aeschines 2.126 (web address 1) and ?
Athenaion Politeia 67.3-4 (web address 2).
Isaeus fr. 40 Sauppe.
On the complex matters raised -- and as much obscured as clarified -- here, see generally P.J. Rhodes, A Commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia (Oxford 1981) 719-723
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: daily life; definition; history; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 October 2000@05:41:07.
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