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Search results for delta,619 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,619
Translated headword: to reconcile
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[... to reconcile] us with Lakonian men, in whom [there is] no more trustworthiness than in a wolf agape."[1] The proverb [is] in reference to those who pillage other people's property. For in the same way that there is no trustiness in wolves, [there is] none in these people either. As for 'agape', [it is] in reference to those who gape [in anticipation] in vain.[2]
Greek Original:*dialla/ttein pro\s h(ma=s a)ndra/si *lakwnikoi=s, oi(=si pisto\n ou)de/n, ei) mh/ per lu/kw| kexhno/ti. h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n ta\ a)llo/tria diarpazo/ntwn. o(\n ga\r tro/pon lu/kois ou)k e)/sti pi/stis, ou)de\ tou/tois. to\ de\ kexhno/ti, e)pi\ tw=n ma/thn xaino/ntwn.
Aristophanes Lysistrata 628-9 (web address 1), the
scholia to which are the source of this entry. Henderson (below) 153 collects references to 'Spartan perfidy' in general, and notes its particular relevance to the years after 421 BCE, when Athenians held Spartans responsible for the failure of the "Peace of
Nikias" and the resumption of the Peloponnesian War.
[2] Evidently in a different proverb; cf.
Aristophanes Acharnians 10 (web address 2;
kappa 1465), and generally
kappa 1463,
kappa 1466,
kappa 1467.
Aristophanes, Lysistrata, edited with introduction and commentary by Jeffrey Henderson (Oxford 1987)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; imagery; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 6 October 2003@16:27:15.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (supplied headword and bibliography; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 7 October 2003@03:20:32.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 29 June 2012@04:35:53.
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