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Headword: *da|douxei=
Adler number: delta,6
Translated headword: bears a torch, is a torch-bearer
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he/she/it] shines.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] 'having been a torch-bearer in Athens'.[2] "As those of the Athenians who are renowned for determining these things say: they pray to Boulaia[3] and to the maiden,[4] through the agency of the hierophants and the torch-bearers, for salvation for them."[5]
Also [sc. attested is the term] 'having borne a torch', [meaning] having carried a lamp. "He who was [in the position of] having borne a torch before Stratokles in Athens, from pleasure, which that effeminate eunuch was always singing the praises of...." [6]
Greek Original:
*da|douxei=: fai/nei. kai\ *da|douxh/sas *)aqh/nhsin. w(s *)aqhnai/wn fasi\n oi( tau=ta a)kribou=ntes do/kimoi: eu)/canto de\ kai\ th=| *boulai/a| kai\ th=| ko/rh| dia/ te tw=n i(erofantw=n kai\ tou= da|dou/xou swthri/an au)toi=s. kai\ *da|douxh/sas, lampadhforh/sas. o( pro\ *stratokle/ous *)aqh/nhsi da|douxh/sas, e)k th=s h(donh=s, h(\n e)kei=nos u(/mnei o( xlou/nhs te kai\ gu/nnis.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica. The headword -- third person singular, present indicative active, of this verb -- must be quoted from somewhere. (Extant possibilities are all late.)
[2] On the daduch in Athens, selected from the aristocratic genos of the Kerykes, cf. delta 1210 and see generally R. Parker, Athenian Religion (Oxford 1996) 300-302.
[3] Councillor, epithet of Artemis, Hestia (as at beta 424) and other gods.
[4] Persephone; cf. kappa 2077.
[5] Aelian fr. 10d Domingo-Forasté (10 Hercher): the tale of a daduch corrupted by Epicureanism.
[6] Aelian fr. 10d Domingo-Forasté (10 Hercher) again; cf. gamma 504, chi 349. NB: Stratokles was ineligible to be daduch himself, as the phrase here implies; so it is perhaps a chronological indicator, i.e. before the decree of Stratokles in 302 BC which (for the benefit of Demetrius Poliorcetes) tampered with the timing of the Eleusinian Mysteries; see generally C. Habicht, Athens from Alexander to Antony (Cambridge Mass. 1997) 79-80).
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Gabriel Bodard on 2 June 2000@12:55:01.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Minor corrections) on 4 June 2000@01:47:21.
William Hutton on 4 June 2000@18:09:29.
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 13 June 2002@08:27:16.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 16 December 2007@09:02:16.
Catharine Roth (updated references, adjusted note numbers, typo) on 25 March 2011@23:39:17.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 3 October 2015@07:23:57.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 17 April 2016@16:31:55.
David Whitehead (note tweak) on 18 April 2016@02:51:29.


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