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Search results for delta,595 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,595
Translated headword: orderly arrangement
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the disposition of the universe. "The earth is in the middle, corresponding to a center; after which [is] the water, shaped like a sphere, with the same shape[1] as the earth, so that the earth is in water; and after the water [is] air in the shape of a sphere; and the circles in the heavens are five."[2]
Greek Original:*diako/smhsis: tou= panto\s h( dia/qesis. me/sh h( gh= ke/ntrou lo/gon e)/xousa, meq' h(\n to\ u(/dwr sfairoeide/s, e)/xon to\ au)to\ sxh=ma th=| gh=|, w(/ste th\n gh=n e)n u(/dati ei)=nai: meta\ to\ u(/dwr de\ a)e/ra e)sfairwme/non. ku/klous de\ ei)=nai e)n tw=| ou)ranw=| e#.
The headword -- a single noun in the Greek -- is used by
Diogenes Laertius (below) before the quotation given. Both it and the quotation are in the accusative case, transposed here to nominative.
[1] Or "center."
[2] The view of
Zeno and the Stoics, according to
Diogenes Laertius 7.155 (where the five circles are the arctic, summer tropic, circle of the equinox, winter tropic, and antarctic).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 4 July 2003@14:35:12.
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