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Search results for delta,57 in Adler number:
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Headword: *dana/h
Adler number: delta,57
Translated headword: Danaë
Vetting Status: high
A proper name.
The [daughter] of Acrisius. "Go be judged: you are not Danaë the [daughter] of Acrisius."[1]
For when she was responding stubbornly to a lawsuit, a certain wiseguy said to her: "Go be judged: you are not Danaë the daughter of Acrisius. "And this mastered the mind of Danaë"; that is, gold.[2]
The danikon is in currency at great Antioch of Syria; they use it for small transactions.[3]
Greek Original:
*dana/h: o)/noma ku/rion. h( *)akrisi/ou. kri/qhti kai\ su/: ou)k ei)= *dana/h h( *)akrisi/ou. tau/ths ga\r duspeiqw=s pro/s tina di/khn a)pantw/shs, sofo/s tis pro\s au)th\n a)pefqe/gcato: kri/qhti kai\ su/: ou)k ei)= *dana/h h( *)akrisi/ou quga/thr. kai\ *dana/hs e)lu/gwsen o(/de fre/na. toute/stin o( xruso/s. e)pixwria/zei th=| mega/lh| *)antioxei/a| th=s *suri/as to\ daniko/n, w(=|per xrw=ntai ei)s mikra\s pragmatei/as.
[1] Lucian, Demonax 47. The joke is that Akrisios can literally mean "man with bad judgment" or "man who is unjudged"; from alpha 984.
[2] Greek Anthology 5.217.7 (Paul the Silentiary), quoted from epsilon 919. The allusion is to Zeus visiting Danae (and fathering Perseus) as a shower of gold. Find further extracts from this epigram at alpha 1510, kappa 454, kappa 2075, and rho 317.
[3] Source unidentifiable. (Adler suggests Symeon Metaphrastes.) The term danikon, found only here (and unrelated to the rest of the entry), is evidently a variant of delta 59.
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; gender and sexuality; geography; law; mythology; poetry; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 20 July 2002@14:17:27.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and and keywords; cosmetics) on 21 July 2002@06:35:07.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 February 2007@06:18:59.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 3 February 2007@06:27:28.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 4 February 2007@01:23:03.
David Whitehead on 28 July 2011@09:09:45.
David Whitehead on 14 June 2012@06:24:00.
David Whitehead on 6 October 2015@02:44:01.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.2) on 20 July 2023@09:29:21.
Ronald Allen (augmented n.2, added cross-reference) on 20 July 2023@10:05:11.


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