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Adler number: delta,565
Translated headword: let us arrange the arrangement that the ape arranged with his wife
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ['Arrangement'] meaning agreement. For a certain person, ugly to look at, was continually quarrelling with his wife, and he made an arrangement, with his friends as witnesses, neither to beat nor to be beaten, nor to bite -- since he loved [her] -- nor be bitten. In effect, you will not yank my testicles, nor I your hair. He seems to be lampooning Panaitios, as he also does in
Islands, leaving behind[?] a guiltless[1] ape. There he also says that his father was a cook.[2] 'Ape' because of his scurrilousness, and a 'knife-maker' is one who works with knives, such as a cook. For this reason, then he calls him a 'knife-maker'. For Panaitios was a cook of short stature.
Aristophanes slanders him by saying that he caught his wife in the midst of debauchery; he was dominated by her since she was big.
Greek Original:*diaqh/khn diaqw/meqa, h(\n die/qeto pi/qhkos th=| gunaiki/: a)nti\ tou= sunqh/khn. ai)sxro\s ga/r tis th\n o)/yin sunexw=s th=| gunaiki\ diaplhktizo/menos die/qeto e)pi\ fi/lwn, mh/te tu/ptein mh/te tu/ptesqai mh/te da/knein, w(s au)to\n filou=nta, mh/te da/knesqai. oi(=on, su\ me\n ou)x e(lku/seis tw=n o)rxipe/dwn, ou)de\ e)gw\ tw=n trixw=n. e)/oike de\ to\n *panai/tion kwmw|dei=n: w(s kai\ e)n *nh/sois: katalipw\n a)nai/tion pi/qhkon. e)/nqa kai\ magei/rou patro\s ei)=nai le/gei au)to/n. pi/qhkon me\n dia\ to\ panou=rgon, maxairopoio\n de\ to\n maxai/rais e)rgazo/menon, w(s ma/geiron. au)to/qen ou)=n fhsin au)to\n maxairopoio/n. o( ga\r *panai/tios ma/geiros mikrofuh\s h)=n. diaba/llei de\ au)to\n *)aristofa/nhs w(s katalabo/nta th\n gunai=ka au)tou= moixeuome/nhn: e)dunasteu/eto ga\r u(p' au)th=s mega/lhs ou)/shs.
The headword phrase is a slightly altered quotation of
Birds 440-441 (web address 1); the word "knifemaker" occurs in the next line of the original, making it clear that the "ape" in question is not literally an ape. The entry is derived from the
scholia to this passage. See generally Dunbar (below) 204-5; and cf.
gamma 503,
omicron 673,
pi 185,
pi 1577.
a)nai/tios, a pun on the name of Panaitios ('Mr. All-responsible' or [less charitably] 'All-guilty').
Aristophanes fr. 394 Kock, now 409 K.-A.
Aristophanes, Birds, edited with introduction and commentary by Nan Dunbar (Oxford 1995)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; imagery; law; medicine; proverbs; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 October 2003@15:15:41.
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