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Search results for delta,557 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,557
Translated headword: deposing, disposing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Deposing/disposing] and to depose: each of these applies to the writing of depositions.[1]
Isaeus in the
Response to Aristogeiton: "Yet after this reponse they brought another deposition, which they said Archepolis deposed in
Lemnos."[2] Also
Lysias in the
Response to Timonides: "how could we disregard the deposing of the deceased, which he deposed neither in an impaired mental state nor under the influence of a woman."[3] They also used to use each of these [terms] in reference to transacting business. And in
Isocrates 'to be disposed' is applied to experiencing, as he says in the
Encomium of Helen: "from this as well one might realize how far it differs from these things: from the way we ourselves are disposed toward each of the fine things."[4] But Antiphon uses 'disposing' in reference to an opinion or thought.[5] The same [author uses it] also in the sense of 'disposing a speech', that is, in the sense of declaring something.[6] In Book 2 of
Truth the same [author] uses it also in the sense of 'arrangement'.[7]
Greek Original:*dia/qesis kai\ *diati/qesqai: e(ka/teron au)tw=n kei=tai e)pi\ tou= diaqh/kas gra/fein. *)isai=os e)n tw=| pro\s *)aristogei/tona: meta\ tau/thn toi/nun th\n a)po/krisin e(te/ran diaqh/khn e)ko/misan, h(\n e)/fasan *)arxe/polin e)n *lh/mnw| diaqe/sqai. kai\ *lusi/as e)n tw=| pro\s *timwni/dhn: pw=s d' a)\n th=s diaqe/sews tou= teteleuthko/tos a)melh/saimen, h(\n e)kei=nos die/qeto ou) paranow=n ou)de\ gunaiki\ peisqei/s. e)xrh/santo de\ kai\ e)pi\ tou= pwlei=n e(kate/rw| au)tw=n. par' *)isokra/tei de\ e)pi\ tou= pa/sxein kei=tai to\ diati/qesqai, w(/s fhsin e)n *(ele/nhs *)egkwmi/w|: gnoi/h d' a)/n tis ka)kei=qen, o(/son diafe/rei tw=n o)/ntwn, e)c w(=n au)toi\ diatiqe/meqa pro\s e(/kaston tw=n kalw=n. *)antifw=n de\ th=| diaqe/sei e)xrh/sato e)pi\ gnw/mhs h)\ dianoi/as. o( au)to\s kai\ e)pi\ tou= diaqei=nai lo/gon, toute/stin e)pi\ tou= e)caggei=lai/ ti. e)n tw=| b# th=s *)alhqei/as o( au)to\s ke/xrhtai au)tw=| kai\ e)pi\ th=s diakosmh/sews.
See also
delta 558.
[1] This usually means, in effect, wills.
Isaeus fr. 7 Sauppe.
Lysias fr. 230 Sauppe, now 283 Carey OCT.
Isocrates 10.55 (web address 1).
[5] Antiphon fr. 165 Sauppe.
[6] Antiphon fr. 112 Sauppe.
[7] Antiphon the Sophist fr. 23 DK.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; geography; law; medicine; mythology; philosophy; rhetoric; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 5 September 2003@23:39:55.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (added notes; augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 6 September 2003@07:50:33.
Catharine Roth (added link) on 21 February 2005@21:18:18.
David Whitehead (x-ref; updated a reference; more keywords; cosmetics) on 28 June 2012@04:12:52.
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