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Adler number: delta,556
Translated headword: disposition
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Since the linkage of the soul with the body is not unrelated but is sympathetic [with it], at least some traces of the movements of the soul go to the body, and from the body to the soul. But the form of what is thought is one thing, and the form of what is suffered is another; and regarding the rest, a trace of the soul’s movement is displayed in the body. Hence those who judge someone by his features also recognize the dispositions of his soul out of the shape of his body.[1] It is also obvious that, out of the affective states of the body, something also goes over to the soul,[2] for [the soul] suffers along with [the body] that is suffering, and [the soul] shares in the pleasure of [the body that] delights. Nobody is unaware that the body, in being disposed in such and such a way, also is a hindrance to the soul. And this would not happen -- the soul being hindered by the body -- if a certain sympathy did not go out of the condition of the body toward the soul. Thus, when the hollow at the back of the brain is injured, the faculty of memory suffers, and [if the brain is injured] otherwise the rational faculty itself [suffers]; and when [the brain] is in a certain state the soul is imaginative, but when [the brain] is in a different state the soul is lacking in imagination. The various properties of souls and the tendencies of the injuries to one consequence or another result from the connection and sympathy [of the soul] with the body. Hence some also have considered that the powers of the soul follow the mixtures of the body.
Greek Original:*dia/qesis: o(/ti e)peidh\ ou)k a)/sxeto/s e)stin o( desmo\s th=s yuxh=s pro\s to\ sw=ma a)lla\ sumpaqh/s, diabai/nei gou=n e)k tw=n th=s yuxh=s kinhma/twn i)/xnh pro\s to\ sw=ma kai\ e)k tou= sw/matos pro\s th\n yuxh/n. a)/llo gou=n to\ ei)=dos tou= dianooume/nou kai\ a)/llo tou= lupoume/nou, kai\ e)pi\ tw=n loipw=n e)mfai/netai i)/xnos e)n tw=| sw/mati th=s kinh/sews th=s yuxh=s, o(/qen kai\ oi( fusiognw/mones e)k th=s tou= sw/matos i)de/as tekmai/rontai ta\s th=s yuxh=s diaqe/seis. o(/ti de\ kai\ e)k tw=n paqw=n tou= sw/matos diabai/nei ti kai\ pro\s th\n yuxh/n, pro/dhlon: a)lgou=nti ga\r sunalgei= kai\ eu)qumou=nti sunh/detai. o(/ti de\ kai\ e)mpodi/zei au)th=| to\ sw=ma toi/ws h)\ toi/ws diakei/menon, ou)dei\s a)gnoei=, o(/per ou)k a)\n e)ge/neto, to\ e)mpodi/zesqai au)th\n u(p' au)tou=, ei) mh\ die/bainen a)po\ th=s pro\s au)to\ sxe/sews sumpa/qeia/ tis e)pi\ th\n yuxh/n: ou(/tws w(s tou= e)gkefa/lou koili/as me\n paqou/shs th=s o)/pisqen to\ mnhmoneutiko\n pa/sxein, a)/llws de\ au)to\ to\ logistiko/n, kai\ toi/ws me\n diakeime/nou fantasto\n ei)=nai th\n yuxh/n, toi/ws de\ dusfa/ntaston. kai\ ai( dia/foroi de\ tw=n yuxw=n e)pithdeio/thtes kai\ to\ ei)s ta/de h)\ ta/de ta\ pa/qh e)pirrepw=s e)/xein e)k th=s pro\s to\ sw=ma sxe/sews kai\ sumpaqei/as paragi/netai: o(/qen kai\ nenomi/kasi/ tines tai=s tou= sw/matos kra/sesin e(/pesqai ta\s th=s yuxh=s duna/meis.
This entry is taken, with slight variations, from John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 155.17-34 Hayduck.
Philoponus is commenting on
de anima 408a34-b2, where
Aristotle argues that if the soul is grieved, rejoices, is confident and afraid, is angry, perceives, and thinks, and if these seem to be movements, then it is reasonable to believe that the soul moves. See also
pi 27.
For this headword in other contexts see
delta 557,
delta 558,
delta 559.
[1] For this "characterology" from the body's shape, see ?
Physiognomonica; and further, next note.
[2] The issue under discussion is that, insofar as soul and body are closely related each other, every modification of the one involves a modification of the other (see ?
Physiognomonica 808b19ff.).
Keywords: definition; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 2 June 2003@15:56:30.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (internal rearrangement; added x-ref; cosmetics) on 3 June 2003@04:40:33.
Catharine Roth (began to modify translation) on 19 February 2005@01:18:51.
Catharine Roth (modified translation, raised status) on 21 February 2005@21:34:13.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 28 June 2012@04:06:20.
David Whitehead (more x-refs; coding) on 20 October 2015@09:20:16.
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