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Search results for delta,529 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,529
Translated headword: register
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the amount decided, in the contribution-groups, that each man must pay in tax. The same amount was not decided for everyone, but [sc. was calculated in each case] by the valuation of the property. A registrar [diagrafeu/s], however, is the person in [sc. each of] the contribution-groups whose task it is to determine how much each man ought to pay in.
Greek Original:*dia/gramma: to\ tatto/menon e)n tai=s summori/ais, o(po/son e(/kaston ei)sfe/rein dei=. e)ta/tteto de\ ou) to\ au)to\ pa=sin, a)lla\ pro\s th\n timh\n th=s ou)si/as. diagrafeu\s me/ntoi e)sti\n o( kaqista/menos e)n tai=s summori/ais e)pi\ tw=| diakri=nai, po/son e(/kastos ei)senegkei=n o)fei/lei.
From Harpokration s.v., with three citations of
Hyperides. An entry generated by references to aspects of the taxation system operating at the time. See also
delta 530 (and
delta 528 for another meaning of the headword).
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; history; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 October 2000@04:37:48.
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