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Search results for delta,525 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,525
Translated headword: declaring
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning [he] saying different things and not the same things. So
Isaeus [sc. uses the word].[1] But the opposite [is]
sunagoreu/ein, just as to agree is the opposite of to differ and harmonizing is the opposite of creating discord.[2]
Greek Original:*diagoreu/wn: a)nti\ tou= dia/fora kai\ ou) ta\ au)ta\ le/gwn. ou(/tws *)isai=os. to\ de\ e)nanti/on sunagoreu/ein, w(/sper e)nanti/on kai\ to\ sumfe/resqai pro\s to\ diafe/resqai kai\ to\ sumfwnei=n pro\s to\ diafwnei=n.
Isaeus fr. 20 Sauppe, cited from Harpokration s.v.
[2] Repeated at
sigma 1404.
Keywords: daily life; definition; ethics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 October 2000@04:30:08.
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