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Search results for delta,521 in Adler number:
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Headword: *diagnw/mh
Adler number: delta,521
Translated headword: decree, resolution
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] judgment, and verdict. Just like, also, an outcry.[1] The word [is] a peculiarity of Thucydides.
Greek Original:
*diagnw/mh: dia/gnwsis, kai\ dia/krisis. w(/sper kai\ kataboh/. h( le/cis i)dikh\ *qoukudi/dou.
Same entry in other lexica, and cf. also the scholia to Thucydides 1.87.6, where the headword, a feminine noun, occurs (the Athenian assembly's resolution that the Thirty Years' Peace had been breached). See also Thucydides 3.42.1 (Diodotus finds no fault with the resolution about Mytilene) and 3.67.7.
cf. generally delta 522.
[1] This parenthetical remark -- not in the scholion (above) -- appears to refer not to the form of the headword, which is unremarkable, but to its substance, i.e. suggesting that a kataboh/ is an informal version of, or counterpart to, a diagnw/mh. For 'outcry' in Thucydides see 1.73.1, 8.85.2, 8.87.3.
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; law; military affairs
Translated by: Nicholas Wilshere on 15 October 2004@18:43:27.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; supplied notes) on 16 October 2004@06:15:20.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaking) on 27 June 2012@07:29:31.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 19 October 2015@08:49:27.


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