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Adler number: delta,52
Translated headword: Damophilus, Damophilos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Philosopher, sophist. He was raised by Julianus, the consul under the emperor Marcus.[1] He was a prolific author; I have found the following works in the libraries:
Bibliophile (book 1), on books worth purchasing, to Lollius
On the Life of the Ancients; and very many other works.
Greek Original:*damo/filos, filo/sofos, sofisth/s: o(\n a)neqre/yato *)iouliano/s, o( e)pi\ *ma/rkou tou= basile/ws u(/patos: gra/yas pa/mpolla, e)c w(=n tau=ta/ moi eu(/rhtai e)pi\ tai=s tw=n bibli/wn qh/kais: *filo/biblos prw=tos peri\ a)ciokth/twn bibli/wn pro\s *lo/llion *ma/cimon, *peri\ bi/ou a)rxai/wn, kai\ e(/tera pa/mpolla.
RE Damophilos(7).
[1] This is evidently Didius Julianus, who was advanced to the consulship by Marcus Aurelius in 175 (and who became emperor himself, for nine weeks, in 193).
Keywords: biography; chronology; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 23 June 2000@10:50:57.
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