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Headword: *diaba/llein
Adler number: delta,500
Translated headword: to bring across, to cross, to mislead, to slander
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] to deceive and to lead astray. Thucydides [in Book] 1[1] and Crates [2] [sc. use the word].[3]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "to cross the sea", [meaning] to pass over it. "Thereupon he intended to cross the intervening sea and to plunder the islands".[4]
And Arrian [writes]: "and [that] he acted as helmsman himself to bring the flagship across".[5] Also, "to Alexander who was trying to cross the Oxos river".[6] Meaning to pass over [it].
And [sc. another meaning of this verb is] I slander; [used] with an accusative. "He slanders the one who has always been preferred".[7]
Greek Original:
*diaba/llein: to\ e)capata=n kai\ paralogi/zesqai. *qoukudi/dhs a# kai\ *kra/ths. kai\ *diaba/llein to\ pe/lagos, to\ diekpera=n. e)nteu=qen e)no/ei diaba/llein to\ e)n me/sw| pe/lagos kai\ lh|steu/ein ta\s nh/sous. kai\ *)arriano/s: au)to/n te kubernw=nta th\n strathgi/da nau=n diaba/llein. kai/, diaba/llein e)pixeirou=nti *)aleca/ndrw| to\n *)=wcon potamo/n. a)nti\ tou= pera=n. kai\ *diaba/llw: ai)tiatikh=|. diaba/llei to\n a)ei\ protetimhme/non.
[1] In Thucydides this verb occurs several times, but never in Book 1. Note also that Thucydides most frequently uses it in the sense of discrediting/slandering (cf. below in the present entry), and once in the sense of crossing over, but never in the sense indicated in this gloss (and again at delta 892). A misunderstanding or variant reading for paraba/loito at Thuc. 1.133 may be behind this citation; cf. pi 281.
[2] Crates fr. 47 Kock, now 54 Kassel-Austin.
[3] Up to this point the entry is almost identical in form to Photius delta287, though in Photius the citation of Crates is absent. A marginal note to one manuscript of Photius (accepted into the text by Theodoridis) cites Cratinus, instead of Crates (Cratinus fr. 436 Kassel-Austin). Parts of this material also find parallels in other lexica and commentaries, e.g. Hesychius delta942: diaba/llei. kataginw/skei. u)bri/zei. parapata=|. paralogi/zetai. See also scholia to Aristophanes, Birds 1648 and Thesmophoriazusae 1214; Erotian 31.17; and here in the Suda delta 499 and delta 892.
[4] Quotation unidentifiable.
[5] Arrian, Anabasis 1.11.6.
[6] A close approximation of Arrian, Anabasis 3.29.3 (with the proper names 'Alexander' and 'Oxos' supplied from the context); cf. omega 127.
[7] A marginal gloss, absent from mss GTFV. It seems to be taken from the syntactical lexicon De syntacticis 134,6, edited in Lexica Segueriana (Bachmann). Adler also cites Anecdota Graeca 4.290.14 Cramer and the Lexicon syntacticum of Codex Laurentianus 59.16. The quotation is an approximation of Cassius Dio 46.8.3. In the original the verb is second person and the adverb word "always" modifies the verb (" slander"), rather than the participle, as here.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Stefano Sanfilippo on 14 April 2005@06:49:52.
Vetted by:
Antonella Ippolito (set status) on 14 April 2005@13:25:59.
David Whitehead (modified and supplemented translation; augmented and modified notes) on 15 April 2005@03:17:08.
William Hutton (modified translation, augmented and rearranged notes, added keywords, raised status) on 24 November 2007@06:20:42.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 27 June 2012@05:24:10.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 27 January 2014@03:42:08.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; more cosmetics) on 18 October 2015@10:19:18.


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