[Used] with an accusative.[1] [Meaning] I do my work as a gift.
Aristophanes writes: "but, my poor fellow, I do not happen to be a public doctor". [2] For the doctors appointed by popular vote also, [as] public officials, used to provide health-care
gratis.[3] As if to say, we did not make libation for the community, but for me alone,[4] and I will not share it with you without reward.
*dhmosieu/wn: ai)tiatikh=|. dwrea\n e)rga/zomai. *)aristofa/nhs: a)ll' w)= po/nhr', ou) dhmosieu/wn tugxa/nw. oi( ga\r dhmosi/a| xeirotonou/menoi i)atroi\ kai\ dhmo/sioi proi=ka e)qera/peuon. oi(=on, ou) koinh=| e)spei/samen, a)ll' e)mautw=| mo/nw|, kai\ a)misqi\ ou) metadi/dwmi/ soi.
The headword, taken from the quotation which follows, is the present participle (nominative masculine singular) of the verb
[1] The gloss on the headword which immediately follows has an accusative of respect (
dwrea/n). But for simple transitive uses of
dhmosieu/w itself see e.g.
Hellenica 1.7.10 (to confiscate -- literally make public -- money), and generally LSJ s.v.I.1-4.
Acharnians 1030 (web address 1). This meaning is also attested in
Gorgias 514D (web address 2).
[3] Excerpted from a scholion to the same verse (
Scholia in Acharnenses - scholia vetera et recentiora Triclinii-, N.G. Wilson).
[4] The reading in the scholion (and in Codex
Parisinus 2625, one of the manuscripts on which the Suda is based) is
e)speisa/mhn, first person singular of the middle voice, instead of
e)spei/samen, first person plural of the active. This is significant because, in addition to the change of person, there is a shift to the middle voice where the libation is clearly the metaphor of a treaty (as in
Herodotus 3.144,
Thucydides 4.99 and in this same work, at lines 199 and 1534). Therefore the sense of the phrase should be "I did not make a public treaty, but one just for me", which fits the context.
David Whitehead (modified headword, translation, notes; more keywords) on 3 June 2005@03:22:45.
David Whitehead (modified/expanded a note (of mine)) on 3 June 2005@09:30:18.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 26 June 2012@08:32:50.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 4 March 2015@01:09:44.
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