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Adler number: delta,454
Translated headword: Demosthenes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Athenian, son of
Demosthenes and Cleobule; rhetor, of the deme Paeania. [He was] painstaking rather than naturally gifted,
Hermippus[1] says; and he lacked self-control with regard to pleasures (the same source says this too). Hence as a young man he was called Batalus[2] (because he often wore women's clothing), and after he was an adult, Argas[3] (that is the name of a snake). He became ambitious to be an orator through hearing the orator
Callistratus speaking on behalf of Oropus.[4] He studied with
Isaeus,[5] the pupil of
Isocrates,and conversed with Zoilus of
Amphipolis[6] when he was a sophist in
Athens, and of
Polycrates[7] and
Alcidamas,[8] the pupil of
Gorgias, and of
Isocrates himself.[9] He engaged in literary studies along with Aesion of
Athens[10] and the philosopher
Theopompus of
Chios.[11] He also studied with
Eubulides the dialectician and
Plato. He died as an exile in Calauria,[12] in the temple of Poseidon, because of Antipater of Macedon; he took the poison he carried in his ring, aged 62.
Greek Original:*dhmosqe/nhs, *)aqhnai=os, ui(o\s *dhmosqe/nous kai\ *kleobou/lhs, r(h/twr, tw=n dh/mwn *paianieu/s: e)pimelh\s ma=llon h)\ eu)fuh/s, w(s *(/ermippos i(storei=: kai\ pro\s ta\s h(dona\s a)ko/lastos, w(s kai\ tou=to/ fhsin o( au)to/s. o(/qen kai\ ne/os me\n w)\n *ba/talos e)klh/qh, w(s kai\ gunaikei/a| e)sqh=ti polla/kis xrhsa/menos: *)arga\s de\ meta\ to\ ei)s a)/ndras tele/sai: o(/per e)sti\n o)/noma o)/fews. e)pequ/mhse de\ r(htorikh=s *kalli/straton qeasa/menos to\n r(h/tora u(pe\r *)wrwpi/wn le/gonta. dih/kouse de\ *)isai/ou, tou= *)isokra/tous maqhtou=, kai\ toi=s lo/gois e)xrh=to *zwi/+lou tou= *)amfipoli/tou, sofisteu/ontos e)n *)aqh/nais, kai\ *polukra/tous kai\ *)alkida/mantos, tou= *gorgi/ou maqhtou=, kai\ au)tou= me/ntoi *)isokra/tous. sunefilolo/ghse de\ *ai)si/wni tw=| *)aqhnai/w| kai\ *qeopo/mpw| tw=| *xi/w| filoso/fw|. dihkroa/sato de\ kai\ *eu)bouli/dou tou= dialektikou= kai\ *pla/twnos: e)teleu/thse de\ fugw\n ei)s *kalabri/an e)n tw=| tou= *poseidw=nos i(erw=| dia\ to\n *makedo/na *)anti/patron, prosenegka/menos fa/rmakon to\ e)n tw=| daktuli/w|, e)/th biw/sas du/o kai\ e(ch/konta.
Keywords: biography; clothing; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric; women; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 28 June 2000@13:46:42.
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