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Headword: *dhmh/trios
Adler number: delta,429
Translated headword: Demetrius, Demetrios
Vetting Status: high
Son of Phanostratus, of Phalerum (Phalerum is a harbour in Attica);[1] he was called Phanus at first;[2] a Peripatetic philosopher. He wrote on philosophy, history, rhetoric and politics, and about poets. He studied with Theophrastus,[3] and was a demagogue in Athens. He composed numerous books. He was so handsome that the slander arose that he had been the beloved of Neon,[4] and he was called by some Lampeto and Charitoblepharus.[5] He rose to great glory and power, but because of envy he was out-witted; he was exiled by the Athenians, and went to Egypt, where he lived with Ptolemy Soter; he died of an asp's bite, and was buried in the Busirite nome, near to Diospolis in the marshes.[6]
When[7] the father of Demetrius Poliorcetes[8] was an old man, the hopes of the kingdom brought to him in succession both command and the good will of the masses. He was outstanding in beauty and stature, and when arrayed in the royal armour he was distinguished and awe-inspiring, a fact by which he created high expectations in most people. Moreover, he had a certain mildness, appropriate to a young king, by which he excited everyone's enthusiasm, so that even people who were not enlisted came together to hear him, sympathetically anxious on account of his youth and the imminent crisis because of their partisanship.
Greek Original:
*dhmh/trios, *fanostra/tou, *falhreu/s [*fa/lhron de\ limh\n th=s *)attikh=s], o(\s to\ prw=ton *fano\s e)kalei=to: filo/sofos *peripathtiko/s. ge/grafe filo/sofa/ te kai\ i(storika\ kai\ r(htorika\ kai\ politika\ kai\ peri\ poihtw=n. h)kroa/sato de\ *qeofra/stou kai\ dhmagwgo\s *)aqh/nhsi ge/gone. sune/graye de\ suxna\ bibli/a. ou(/tws h)=n de\ sfo/dra eu)preph\s w(s kai\ diabolh\n labei=n, o(/ti ge/gonen e)rw/menos *ne/wnos, kai\ prosagoreuqh=nai u(po/ tinwn au)to\n *lampetw\ kai\ *xaritoble/faron. ei)s me/ga de\ a)rqei\s do/chs kai\ e)pikratei/as u(po\ tou= fqo/nou katestrathgh/qh kai\ e)celaqei\s u(po\ *)aqhnai/wn ei)s *ai)/gupton h)=lqe kai\ para\ tw=| *swth=ri *ptolemai/w| diatri/bwn dhxqei\s u(po\ a)spi/dos a)pe/qane kai\ e)ta/fh e)n tw=| *bousiri/th| nomw=|, plhsi/on *diospo/lews th=s e)n toi=s e(/lesi. tou= patro\s de\ h)/dh geghrako/tos *dhmhtri/ou tou= *poliorkhtou=, ai( th=s basilei/as e)lpi/des e)s th\n tou/tou diadoxh\n h)=gon a(/ma th\n a)rxh\n kai\ th\n tw=n o(/plwn eu)/noian. h)=n de\ tw=| ka/llei kai\ mege/qei dia/foros, e)/ti de\ kai\ kekosmhme/nos o(/plois basilikoi=s ei)=xe pollh\n u(peroxh\n kai\ kata/plhcin, di' h(=s ei)s e)lpi/das a(dra\s h)=ge tou\s pollou/s: pro\s de\ tou/tois prao/ths tis h)=n peri\ au)to/n, a(rmo/zousa ne/w| basilei=, di' h(=s ei)s proqumi/an e)cekalei=to pa/ntas w(/ste kai\ tou\s e)kto\s ta/cews sundramei=n e)pi\ th\n a)kro/asin, sunagwniw=ntas th=| neo/thti kai\ th=| mellou/sh| gi/nesqai kri/sei dia\ th=s parata/cews.
C4/early 3 BC. See generally RE Demetrios(85); NP Demetrios(4); OCD4 Demetrius(3); FGrH 228.
[1] cf. phi 46.
[2] This clause perhaps refers to Phanostratus, not Demetrius himself: so e.g. J.K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971). In any event, Davies points out that Phanos is a typical slave's name, which ties in with other allegations (in Diogenes Laertius 5.76 and elsewhere) that the family was of servile origin
[3] [theta 199] Theophrastus = 18.5 FHS&G.
[4] Differently in Diog.Laert. 5.76: the name is not Neon but Kleon. However, the same relationship between the two men -- Demetrius the younger -- is being described: u(po\ *Kle/wnos peponqe/nai is translated by R.D. Hicks in the Loeb edition as 'suffered violence from Cleon', but more precisely the verb pa/sxein here should be understood as submitting to homoerotic advances; cf. K.J. Dover, Greek Homosexuality (London 1978) 140 n.7.
[5] Lampito in Diog.Laert. 5.76. Either way, these two (nick)names refer to the beauty of his eyes.
[6] The foregoing = Demetrius 2 SOD (P. Stork, J.M. van Ophuijsen, T. Dorandi, "Demetrius of Phalerum: the sources, text, and translation," in W. Fortenbaugh and E. Schütrumpf (eds), Demetrius of Phalerum: Text, Translation and Discussion, New Brunswick, NJ, 2000, 1-310.)
[7] This material comes from Diodorus Siculus 19.81.3-4 (via Excerpta Constantiniana EV I 249.12-21).
[8] Demetrius Poliorcetes, king of Macedon: RE Demetrios(33); NP Demetrios(2); OCD3 Demetrius(4). His father was Antigonus.
Keywords: biography; clothing; constitution; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; poetry; politics; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 9 May 2000@18:02:26.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplied headword; rearranged notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 25 March 2001@11:30:22.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 9 October 2005@06:33:03.
David Mirhady on 2 September 2008@18:16:57.
Philip Rance (augmented note) on 25 January 2012@17:15:40.
David Whitehead (activated x-ref; more keywords) on 26 January 2012@03:34:55.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 25 June 2012@10:05:39.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 1 August 2014@07:47:16.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; more notes) on 17 October 2015@06:59:57.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 18 July 2016@13:11:55.


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