Suda On Line
Search results for delta,420 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,420
Translated headword: demarchos, demarch, mayor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Each deme in
Athens had an official called a demarch. These men used to make the inventories of the estates belonging to each deme.[1] They were also the custodians of the deme registers [
lexiarchika grammateia].[2] Furthermore they would assemble the demes[men] whenever required and give them a vote; and it was they too who used to seize the property of debtors.[3]
Greek Original:*dh/marxos: e(ka/stou dh/mou tw=n e)n *)aqh/nais o( kata/rxwn dh/marxos e)le/geto. ou(=toi de\ ta\s a)pografa\s e)poiou=nto tw=n proso/ntwn e(ka/stw| dh/mw| xwri/wn. e)/ti de\ kai\ ta\ lhciarxika\ grammatei=a par' au)toi=s h)=n. a)lla\ kai\ sunh=gon tou\s dh/mous, o(po/te deh/seien, kai\ yh=fon au)toi=s e)di/dosan, kai\ e)nexu/razon de\ ou(=toi.
Abbreviated from Harpokration s.v. (commenting on the term's appearance in
Lysias fr. 184 Sauppe, now 237 Carey OCT); cf. the
scholia to
Clouds 37 (web address 1). See also
delta 419 and the latter part of
delta 421.
[1] Harpok. and the scholiast simply have 'the estates in each deme'. The Suda version is presumably an attempt at clarification, but if so it is ill-judged; the lands in question were any forfeit to the Athenian state (Whitehead 131).
[2] cf.
lambda 462,
lambda 463.
[3] cf. generally
epsilon 1291.
D. Whitehead, The Demes of Attica (Princeton 1986) chap.5A.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; constitution; daily life; definition; economics; history; law; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 November 2003@09:42:14.
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