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Adler number: delta,417
Translated headword: Demaratos, Demaratus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A descendent of Prokles, who was expelled by Kleomenes the descendent of Eurystheus -- his fellow king, who overthrew
Hippias[1] -- as illegitimate, because when he was born and it was announced to his father Ariston, his father reckoned the time since the wedding as being less than ten months, and said "the child is not mine". And having been driven out into Persia he returned and, when Darius died, cooperated in the monachy with Xerxes and persuaded him to march against Greece.
Greek Original:*dhma/ratos, *prokle/ous a)po/gonos, u(po\ *kleome/nous tou= *eu)rusqe/ws a)pogo/nou, o(\s *(ippi/an kaqei=le sumbasileu/wn, e)kbe/blhtai w(s no/qos, dio/ti texqe/ntos au)tou= kai\ a)ggelqe/ntos *)ari/stwni tw=| patri/, logisa/menos o( path\r to\n a)po\ ga/mwn xro/non e)la/ttona de/ka mhnw=n o)/nta, ou)k e)mo\s pai=s ou(=to/s e)stin, e)/fh. e)kpesw\n de\ ei)s *pe/rsas a)nh=lqe, kai\ teleuth/santos *darei/ou, sumpra/cas ei)s th\n basilei/an tw=| *ce/rch| e)pi\ th\n *(ella/da strateu/ein e)/peisen.
OCD(4) 430 'Demaratus(2)'
Keywords: biography; children; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; mythology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 2 December 2000@17:05:08.
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