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Search results for delta,415 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,415
Translated headword: Demades
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Ruling after Antipater he restored
Thebes.[1] Son of Demeas, a sailor, he was himself a sailor too, a ship-builder and ferryman. Having given up these activities he entered politics, and turned traitor; as a result he grew rich, and received property in Boeotia from Philip as a bribe. This man spoke against
Demosthenes when he made his speech in support of the Olynthians, and he proposed that Euthycrates of
Olynthus, who had been deprived of civic rights by the Athenians, should have them restored and should be proxenos for the Athenians.[2] When he rendered account for his term of office, public unrest forced him to leave the city, saying 'You have no control over yourselves, or over me.' He raised horses, and competed successfully at
Olympia. He also proposed a decree that the Greeks should be subject to Philip. At [sc. the battle of]
Chaeronea he was taken prisoner, but his life was spared and he was sent as an ambassador of behalf of the prisoners, whom Philip released. He was twice convicted for unconstitutional proposals. He was also politically active under Alexander.
Greek Original:*dhma/dhs, met' *)anti/patron basileu/sas *qh/bas a)ne/sthse, *dhme/ou nau/tou, nau/ths kai\ au)to/s, nauphgo\s kai\ porqmeu/s. a)posta\s de\ tou/twn e)politeu/sato kai\ h)=n prodo/ths kai\ e)k tou/tou eu)/poros panto\s kai\ kth/mata e)n *boiwti/a| para\ *fili/ppou dwrea\n e)/laben. ou(=tos *dhmosqe/nei le/gonti u(pe\r *)olunqi/wn a)nte/legen, *eu)qukra/th de\ to\n *)olu/nqion, a)timwqe/nta para\ *)aqhnai/ois, e)yhfi/sato e)pi/timon ei)=nai kai\ pro/cenon *)aqhnai/ois. lo/gous de\ didou\s a)rxh=s qorubhqei\s a)pedh/mhsen, ou)/te e(autw=n, ei)pw/n, e)ste\ ku/rioi ou)/te e)mou=. e)pe/stelle de\ *fili/ppw| kai\ to\n ui(o\n e)/pempe pro\s au)to/n. i(ppotro/fei de\ kai\ h)gwni/zeto *)olumpia/si kai\ e)ni/ka. e)/graye de\ kai\ yh/fisma tw=| *fili/ppw| tou\s *(/ellhnas u(pakou/ein. e)n *xairwnei/a| de\ ai)xma/lwtos geno/menos a)fei/qh kai\ presbeuth\s u(pe\r tw=n ai)xmalw/twn a)pesta/lh, ou(\s a)nh=ke *fi/lippos. di\s de\ parano/mwn h(/lw. e)politeu/sato de\ kai\ e)p' *)aleca/ndrou.
Keywords: athletics; biography; chronology; constitution; economics; ethics; history; law; military affairs; politics; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 23 June 2000@11:02:33.
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