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Adler number: delta,39
Translated headword: Damaskios, Damascius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Stoic philosopher,[1] Syrian,[2] [but] a disciple of
Simplicius and Eulalios the Phrygians;[3] he flourished in the time of Justinian. Commentaries on
On First Principles, and
Philosophical History were written by him.[5]
Greek Original:*dama/skios, *stwi+ko\s filo/sofos, *su/ros, *simpliki/ou kai\ *eu)lali/ou tw=n frugw=n o(milhth/s: h)/kmazen e)pi\ tw=n *)ioustinianou= xro/nwn. ge/- graptai au)tw=| u(pomnh/mata ei)s *pla/twna kai\ *peri\ a)rxw=n kai\ *filo/sofos i(stori/a.
c.458-after 538.
[1] Rather, the last of the Neo-platonists.
[2] From Damascus, in fact; hence his name (or nickname).
[3] For
Simplicius see
sigma 448; for
Simplicius and Eulalius,
pi 2251.
[4] Specifically, on the
Parmenides, the
Phaedo, and the
[5] The
Philosophical History, also known as
Life of Isidore, is reconstructed from extensive quotations in the Suda and
Photius. See bibliography below.
Damaskios, Das Leben des Philosophen Isidoros. Tr. Rudolf Asmus. Leipzig: Felix Meiner, 1911
Damascius, The Philosophical History. Text with translation and notes by Polymnia Athanassiadi. Athens: Apamea Cultural Association, 1999
Damascius, Vitae Isidori reliquiae. Ed. Clemens Zintzen. Hildesheim, Olms, 1967
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; philosophy
Translated by: Jason Karnes on 3 May 2002@15:59:51.
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