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Headword: *deipnosofistai/
Adler number: delta,359
Translated headword: Deipnosophistai, Deipnosophistae, Deipnosophists, Dinner-Sophists, Sophists at Dinner
Vetting Status: high
There is a book thus titled (the one who wrote it [is] Athenaeus by name) which is helpful. [It records] that Ulpian, one of the Dinner-Sophists, who was called "Attested-or-Unattested" [Keitoukeitos] because of his constantly challenging whether "hour" is attested for any part of the day; and whether "drunk" [is attested] for a male; whether "womb" was applied to edible food; and whether "wild swine" is attested for the pig. And he had a personal habit of tasting nothing before he had said whether it was attested or unattested.[1]
"Attested-or-Unattested" [Keitoukeitos]: look in the [entry] "Athenaeus" [the section] concerning the ancient men he mentions, whose generous fashion of entertaining was renowned, [as] about Alexander and Alcibiades and Empedocles of Akragas and the rest.[2]
Greek Original:
*deipnosofistai/: bibli/on e)sti\n ou(/tws e)pigrafo/menon [*)aqh/naios de\ o( gegrafw\s o)/noma] o(/ e)stin e)pwfele/s. o(/ti *ou)lpiano/s, ei(=s tw=n *deipnosofistw=n, o(\s *keitou/keitos e)klh/qh dia\ to\ sunexw=s proba/llein, ei) kei=tai w(/ra e)pi\ tou= th=s h(me/ras mori/ou: kai\ ei) o( me/qusos e)pi\ a)ndro/s: ei) mh/tra e)pi\ tou= e)dwdi/mou brw/matos: su/agro/s te ei) kei=tai e)pi\ tou= suo/s. kai\ no/mon ei)=xen i)/dion mhdeno\s a)potrw/gein, pri\n ei)pei=n kei=tai h)\ ou) kei=tai. *keitou/keitos: zh/tei e)n tw=| *)aqh/naios peri\ w(=n mnhmoneu/ei a)ndrw=n palaiw=n megaloyu/xws doca/ntwn e(stia=n, peri/ te *)aleca/ndrou kai\ *)alkibia/dou kai\ *)empedokle/ous *)akraganti/nou kai\ tw=n loipw=n.
[1] Abridged from Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 1.1D-E (1.2 Kaibel). See also the entry "Keitoukeitos" (kappa 1482).
[2] alpha 731.
Keywords: biography; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2005@12:34:35.
Vetted by:
Antonella Ippolito (modified translation; added keywords; set status) on 30 March 2005@13:31:46.
Antonella Ippolito on 30 March 2005@13:32:54.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 30 March 2005@18:11:49.
David Whitehead (more headwords and keywords; cosmetics) on 31 March 2005@02:03:42.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 20 June 2012@09:16:54.
Catharine Roth (more keywords) on 17 July 2016@18:12:41.


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