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Adler number: delta,344
Translated headword: terribly clever
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Decebalus, the king of the Dacians, was terribly clever in his understanding of matters of war, and terribly clever in action and successful in making expeditions, well-timed in retreating, a master of ambush, a worker of war; and he used victory well and well he knew how to deal with defeat; because of which he was a battle-worthy antagonist for the Romans for a long time."[1]
"Terribly clever" [deinos] is also said of ability with words.[2]
Greek Original:*deino/s: o(/ti *deke/balos, o( tw=n *dakw=n basileu/s, deino\s me\n h)=n sunei=nai ta\ pole/mia, deino\s de\ kai\ pra=cai, kai\ e)pelqei=n eu)/stoxos, a)naxwrh=sai kai/rios, e)ne/dras texni/ths, ma/xhs e)rga/ths: kai\ kalw=s me\n ni/kh| xrh/sasqai, kalw=s de\ h(=ttan diaqe/sqai h)pi/stato: a)f' ou(= dh\ kai\ a)ntagwnisth\s a)cio/maxos e)pi\ polu\ toi=s *(rwmai/ois e)ge/neto. *deino\s le/getai kai\ h( tw=n lo/gwn du/namis.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 December 2003@16:00:41.
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