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Adler number: delta,319
Translated headword: more cowardly than a peeper
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference those who are extremely cowardly. For there was a certain cowardly man who, peeping out of a cave and seeing Heracles, was turned to stone; and the stone which looks like a person still remains to this day. For he was afraid of Heracles and went down into the cave and because of his cowardice he died.[1]
And [sc. there is] another proverb: "more cowardly than Peisander".[2] "There Peisander came asking to see his soul, which had left him when he was alive." For he was excessively cowardly.[3]
Greek Original:*deilo/teros tou= paraku/ptontos: e)pi\ tw=n sfo/dra deilw=n. a)nh\r ga/r tis e)ge/neto deilo/s, o(\s paraku/yas e)k sphlai/ou kai\ i)dw\n to\n *(hrakle/a a)peliqw/qh: kai\ die/meinen e)/ti kai\ nu=n o( li/qos a)nqrwpoeidh/s. fobou/menos ga\r to\n *(hrakle/a kate/du ei)s sph/laion kai\ dia\ deili/an a)pe/qane. kai\ e(te/ra paroimi/a: *deilo/teros *peisa/ndrou. e)/nqa kai\ *pei/sandros h)=lqe deo/menos yuxh\n i)dei=n, h(\ zw=nt' e)kei=non prou)/lipe. deilo\s ga\r h)=n kaq' u(perbolh/n.
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Keywords: aetiology; biography; comedy; daily life; ethics; mythology; politics; proverbs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 May 2004@22:10:10.
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