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Search results for delta,27 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,27
Translated headword: seal-ring
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a signet.[1]
"When the consul Marcellus died, Hannibal the Carthaginians' general stood by his body, and as he saw all the wounds on his chest, he praised him as a soldier but mocked him as a general; and taking off his seal-ring he stamped a letter [with Marcellus' seal]."[2]
Amber and ivory seal-rings are common among women.[3]
Greek Original:*daktu/lios: h( sfragi/s. o( de\ *)anni/bas o( *karxhdoni/wn strathgo/s, *marke/llou tou= u(pa/tou a)poqano/ntos, e)pista\s tw=| sw/mati au)tou=, w(s ei)=de ta\ trau/mata pa/nta e)pi\ tou= ste/rnou, e)ph/|nese me\n w(s stratiw/thn, e)pe/skwye de\ w(s strathgo/n: kai\ to\n daktu/lion au)tou= perielw\n e)tu/pwsen e)pistolh/n. sou/kinoi kai\ e)lefa/ntinoi daktu/lioi gunaici/n ei)si su/mforoi.
Keywords: biography; clothing; definition; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 20 July 2002@13:42:31.
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