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Search results for delta,242 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,242
Translated headword: necessary, right
Vetting Status: high
Translation: If the proposition is that the earnest man manages the state, they must [do this] by determining what is necessary for themselves: which means what is good and what is beneficial and what is needful; "needful" [is] whenever we say that everything that has come into being must also perish; "beneficial", whenever we say that we should employ exercise or this sort of diet; "good", whenever we say that we should do just things or obey the laws or our parents.[1]
Therefore, it [sc. the headword de/on] means 3 things.
It is called "necessary" because it consists of what things are imperative.[2]
Greek Original:*de/on: o(/ti ei) kei/meno/n e)sti to\n spoudai=on politeu/esqai, xrh\ dielome/nous to\ de/on par' e(autoi=s: o(/per shmai/nei kai\ to\ kalo\n kai\ to\ sumfe/ron kai\ to\ a)nagkai=on, to\ me\n a)nagkai=on, o(/tan le/gwmen pa=n to\ geno/menon de/on ei)=nai kai\ fqarh=nai, to\ de\ sumfe/ron, o(/tan le/gwmen, de/on ei)=nai peripa/tois xrh=sqai h)\ diai/th| toiau/th|, to\ de\ kalo/n, o(/tan le/gwmen de/on ei)=nai ta\ di/kaia poiei=n h)\ pei/qesqai toi=s no/mois h)\ toi=s goneu=si. g# ou)=n shmai/nei. de/on de\ le/getai, o(/ti sune/xei e)n oi(=s xrh/.
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 May 2004@21:33:36.
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