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Headword: *de/cippos
Adler number: delta,238
Translated headword: Dexippos, Dexippus
Vetting Status: high
Of Cos, a doctor, a pupil of Hippocrates. Summoned by Hecatomnus, the king of Caria, to cure his sons Mausolus and Pixodarus when they were desperately ill, he did cure them, on condition that Hecatomnus promise to end the war which was then in progress between them and the Carians. He wrote a Book for Doctors in 1 [volume] and On Prognoses in 2.
Greek Original:
*de/cippos, *kw=|os, i)atro/s, *(ippokra/tous maqhth/s: o(\s metapemfqei\s u(po\ *(ekato/mnou tou= *karw=n basile/ws i)a/sasqai au)tou= tou\s pai=das a)pognwsqe/ntas *mauswlo\n kai\ *picw/daron, e)pi\ u(posxe/sei i)a/sato tou= pau=sai to\n pro\s *ka=ras to/te au)toi=s e)nestw=ta po/lemon. e)/grayen *)iatriko\n bibli/on a# kai\ *peri\ prognw/sewn b#.
Early C4 BCE.
Dexippos, mentioned only in the Suda (here and in the derivative pi 1627), was evidently part of a considerable intellectual coterie at the Hecatomnid court; see in brief Simon Hornblower in The Cambridge Ancient History (second edition) 6.231. For Hecatomnus see epsilon 367.
Keywords: biography; geography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 October 2001@06:53:03.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 6 September 2002@03:51:30.
William Hutton (added keyword, set status) on 18 July 2003@05:59:30.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 18 June 2012@09:45:55.


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