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Headword: *decio/s
Adler number: delta,234
Translated headword: clever
Vetting Status: high
The well-educated [man].
Also [sc. attested is the plural] dexioi, the well-educated [men].[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "turning around always to the more comfortable side is the mark of a clever man, a natural Theramenes."[2] This Theramenes was one of those active in politics. [Aristophanes] is mocking him for being changeable and adapting himself to the situation. This Theramenes[3] was a teacher of Isocrates; [he was the] son of Hagnon, of the deme of Steiria. He committed many crimes, but two are the greatest and most shocking: the arraignment of the generals [who had been in command] at Arginousai, which he contrived together with Kallixenos,[4] and the establishment of the Thirty upon the overthrow of the democracy.[5] And so he met a death worthy of his course of life, for he was done away with by the Thirty themselves, after Kritias had condemned him.[6] And some say that after fleeing to the altar he was dragged away.[7] On account of the instability of his character they were accustomed to stigmatize him as "Kothornos" since he offered himself to either faction of those opposing one another in politics, catering to the opportunities and preferring his own advantage to keeping faith, inasmuch as the kothornos fits men and women as footwear.[8] It appears that he also voted for the three penalties, to be exposed in stocks or to drink poison or to go into exile.[9] He appears to be from the island of Keos, and not to be a genuine son of Hagnon, but adopted. Thucydides praises him.[10] And [Aristophanes] attacks them as robbers.[11]
Greek Original:
*decio/s: o( eu)pai/deutos. kai\ *decioi/, oi( eu)pai/deutoi. *)aristofa/nhs: to\ de\ metastre/fesq' a)ei\ pro\s to\ malqakw/teron, deciou= pro\s a)ndro/s e)sti, kai\ fu/sei *qhrame/nous. ou(=tos o( *qhrame/nhs tw=n ta\ politika\ pratto/ntwn h)=n. skw/ptei de\ au)to\n w(s eu)meta/bolon o)/nta kai\ pro\s to\n kairo\n a(rmo/zonta. o( de\ *qhrame/nhs ou(=tos dida/skalos *)isokra/tous, *(/agnwnos pai=s, *stirieu\s tw=n dh/mwn. tou/tw| polla\ me\n kai\ a)/lla paraneno/mhtai, du/o de\ ta\ me/gista kai\ sxetliw/tata, h(/ te tw=n e)n *)argennou/sh| strathgw=n a)pagwgh/, h(\n au)to\s sunesth/sato meta\ *kallice/nous, kai\ h( tw=n l# e)pi\ katalu/sei tou= dh/mou kata/stasis. toiga/rtoi th=s tou= bi/ou proaire/sews e)paci/ws th=s teleuth=s e)/tuxen: u(po\ ga\r au)tw=n tw=n l# a)nh|re/qh, *kriti/ou kri/nantos au)to/n. e)/nioi de/ fasi kai\ katafugo/nta e)pi\ th\n e(sti/an a)pospasqh=nai. tou=ton dia\ th\n poikili/an tou= h)/qous *ko/qornon a)peka/loun, e)peidh\ e(kate/ra| sta/sei th=| tw=n a)ntipoliteuome/nwn e(auto\n pareti/qei, kaqomilw=n pro\s tou\s kairou\s kai\ to\ sumfe/ron e(autw=| tou= pistou= prota/sswn, e)peidh\ kai\ o( ko/qornos a)ndra/si kai\ gunaici\ pro\s ta\s u(pode/seis a(rmo/ttei. dokei= de\ ou(=tos kai\ ta\ tri/a yhfi/sasqai e)pizh/mia, h)\ dhmeu/esqai e)n tw=| cu/lw| h)\ piei=n kw/neion h)\ e)kfugei=n. dokei= de\ ou(=tos a)po\ *ke/w th=s nh/sou ei)=nai, ou)k ei)=nai de\ gnh/sios, a)lla\ poihto\s ui(o\s tou= *(/agnwnos. o( de\ *qoukudi/dhs au)to\n e)painei=. kai\ diaba/llei au)tou\s w(s a(/rpagas.
See also delta 232, delta 233.
[1] (Again at delta 239.) From the scholia to Aristophanes, Frogs 1370.
[2] Aristophanes, Frogs 538-541, with scholion.
[3] For this material see already alpha 3764.
[4] See Xenophon, Hellenica 1.7.4-35.
[5] cf. Lysias 12.72-77 and Xenophon, Hellenica 2.3.1-2, 11-56.
[6] A summary of this sentence reappears at kappa 2448 (under a non-existent headword).
[7] Xenophon, Hellenica 2.3.52-55.
[8] Xenophon, Hellenica 2.3.30-31, 47; cf. kappa 1909.
[9] So the scholia to Aristophanes, Frogs 541.
[10] Thucydides 8.68.4.
[11] So the scholia to Aristophanes, Birds 1111. This is a comment on a line in which "they" are greedy Athenians in general; it is difficult to see what relevance this has to the present entry.
A. Andrewes, "The Arginousai Trial," Phoenix 28 (1974) 112-22
Peter Krentz, The Thirty at Athens. Ithaca and London, 1982
G.E. Pesely, "Hagnon," Athenaeum 67 (1989) 191-209
K.K. Smith, "The Use of the High-Soled Shoe or Buskin in Greek Tragedy of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C.," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 16 (1905) 121-64
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; law; politics; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: George Pesely on 22 October 2000@20:56:10.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 25 March 2001@10:11:39.
David Whitehead (added a note; cosmetics) on 2 November 2003@08:21:57.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 16 November 2005@07:44:03.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 18 June 2012@09:37:31.


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