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Search results for delta,233 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,233
Translated headword: clever, fortunate
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also [meaning] one with aptitude.
"In the time of Justinian, there was one Peter called Barsumês who sat at the money-exchange table and took shameful profits from this work, contriving rather well the theft in the case of the obols and throwing off the ones who fell in with him by his quickness:[1] for he was clever at stealing."[2]
And elsewhere: "by a fortunate chance he became master of Rome."[3]
"After a retaliatory ambush had fortunately happened, a crown of green dog's-tooth grass was given to the first Publius by the Romans."[4] [Fortunately] meaning fittingly.
And Arrian [writes]: "he went over to Mannos, having both transgressed pledges that he gave to a king/emperor and having trampled on oaths that he swore."[5]
Greek Original:*decio/s: kai\ o( eu)xerh/s. e)pi\ *)ioustinianou= *pe/tros tis h)=n *barsu/mhs ou(/tw kalou/menos, o(\s e)pi\ th=s trape/zhs tou= xalkou= kaqh/menos ke/rdh ai)sxra\ e)pori/zeto e)k tau/ths th=s e)rgasi/as, th\n peri\ tou\s o)bolou\s kloph\n eu)= ma/la texna/zwn kai\ tou\s au)tw=| cumba/llontas a)ei\ ta/xei e)kkrou/wn: decio\s ga\r h)=n kle/yai. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ decia=| xrhsa/menos tu/xh| e)kuri/euse *(rw/mhs. o(/ti prw/tw| *popli/w| e)lloxh/sews a)moibh=s deciw=s genome/nhs u(po\ *(rwmai/wn e)do/qh ste/fanos a)grw/stews xlwra=s. a)nti\ a(rmodi/ws. kai\ *)arriano/s: o( de\ para\ *ma/nnon a)pexw/rhse decia/s te paraba/s, a(\s basilei= e)/dwke, kai\ o(/rkous path/sas, ou(\s w)/mose.
For this headword see already
delta 232 (which presumably explains the introductory 'Also' here) and again
delta 234.
[1] The phrase "of his fingers" [
tw=n daktu/lwn] in
Procopius -- see next note -- has been omitted in the version here.
Secret History 22.3-4 (web address 1); cf. Kaldellis (97). Justinian and Theodora relieved Theodotos (cf.
theta 141) of his duties as praetorian prefect in 542 CE and replaced him with Peter Barsumês (cf.
beta 126). On Justinian, see
iota 446. On Theodora, see
alpha 956 note.
[3] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
[4] Quotation (again under
pi 2054) unidentifiable, but compare generally Livy 7.37.2 on the tribunus militum Publius Decius:
legiones gramineam coronam obsidialem, clamore donum approbantes, Decio imponunt.
[5] See under
alpha 3106.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and trans., Prokopios: The Secret History, (Indianapolis 2010)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; botany; chronology; definition; economics; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 May 2004@14:36:12.
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