*decio\n ei)s u(po/dhma, a)ristero\n ei)s podoni/ptran: *)aristofa/nhs: e)pi\ tw=n a(rmodi/ws toi=s pra/gmasi kexrhme/nwn.
Proverbial -- with this explanation, but without '
Aristophanes' -- in
Zenobius 3.36; see generally Tosi [cited under
alpha 378] no.1625. A hexameter line, with hiatus between
u(po/dhma and
The '
Aristophanes' in question here was once thought to be the comic poet (fr. 914 Kock), but the attribution by Nauck and Dindorf to
Aristophanes of
Byzantium (
alpha 3933) has prevailed: fr.361 Slater.
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