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Headword: *daki/a xw/ra
Adler number: delta,23
Translated headword: Dacian region, Dacian territory
Vetting Status: high
That which Trajan colonized in the regions on the other side of the Istrus.[1] And Aurelian abandoned this [region], once the region of the Illyrians and the Mysians had become afflicted [sc. by the Goths], thinking that it would be impossible to save the [region], which was cut off on the other side in the midst of rivers. Therefore, leading away the Romans who had been settled there, out of the cities and the fields, he established them in the middle of Mysia, having named the region "Dacia"; it now lies between the two Mysiae and divides them from one another.[2]
Greek Original:
*daki/a xw/ra: h(\n o( *trai+ano\s e)n toi=s pe/ran tou= *)/istrou xwri/ois katw/|kise. kai\ tau/thn *au)rhliano\s a)pe/lipe, kekakwme/nhs th=s *)illuriw=n te kai\ *musw=n xw/ras, h(gou/menos a)duna/tws e)/sesqai th\n pe/ran e)n me/sois toi=s potamoi=s a)peilhmme/nhn diasw/|zesqai. e)cagagw\n ou)=n tou\s e)kei=se *(rwmai/ous a)pw|kisme/nous e)/k te tw=n po/lewn kai\ tw=n a)grw=n e)n me/sh| th=| *musi/a| kaqi/druse, th\n xw/ran o)noma/sas *daki/an: h(\ nu=n e)n me/sw| tw=n du/o *musiw=n keime/nh diairei= au)ta\s a)p' a)llh/lwn.
[1] Danube.
[2] Identified as an extract of the Chronicle of John of Antioch (fr. 237 Roberto = fr. 182 Mariev), who in turn drew on a Greek translation of Eutropius' Breviarium (9.15.1-2).
The extract concerns the decision of the Roman emperor Aurelian (270-275) to abandon the three provinces of Dacia, which formed a large salient to the north of the Danube. Dacia had become increasingly isolated and untenable during the 260s owing to the large-scale inroads of the Goths and other Germanic peoples. At an indeterminable date Aurelian evacuated the civil and military administration, and at least part of the populace, south of the river to central Moesia, where he created a new province of Dacia Aureliana, with its capital at Serdica (present-day Sofia), which lay between Moesia Superior and Moesia Inferior. The number and fate of the Romanised population remaining north of the Danube are disputed.
For Trajan see generally tau 902; for Aurelian, alpha 4458.
The toponym 'Mysia' correctly belonged to a region of north-western Asia Minor, but some Roman authors also applied this term to 'Moesia', the frontier provinces of the lower Danube; and cf. under beta 495.
OCD(4) s.v. 'Dacia' and 'Moesia'
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 20 July 2002@13:36:46.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords and bibliography; cosmetics) on 4 September 2002@04:06:02.
Catharine Roth (modified translation slightly) on 4 September 2002@11:06:35.
Nicholas Fincher (Added note) on 15 July 2003@04:16:09.
David Whitehead (added x-ref; augmented bibliography) on 15 July 2003@04:31:12.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 10 February 2011@09:02:00.
Philip Rance (revised translation; augmented notes) on 27 January 2012@12:37:25.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 13 June 2012@08:27:32.
David Whitehead (updated some refs) on 3 August 2014@03:42:30.
David Whitehead (x-ref) on 6 March 2016@09:09:46.


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