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Search results for delta,212 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,212
Translated headword: you are teaching a dolphin to swim.
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who train someone in matters in which they are already expert.[1] Also [sc. attested is] "you are tying a dolphin by the tail"; in reference to to the impossible; because of the agility and slipperiness [of dolphins].
Greek Original:*delfi=na nh/xesqai dida/skeis: e)pi\ tw=n e)n e)kei/nois tina\ paidotribou/ntwn, e)n oi(=s h)/skhntai. kai\ *delfi=na pro\s to\ ou)rai=on dei=s: e)pi\ tw=n a)duna/twn: dia\ to\ eu)ki/nhton kai\ o)lisqhro/n.
Keywords: daily life; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 May 2002@00:36:39.
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