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Search results for delta,177 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,177
Translated headword: ten-foot shadow
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In olden days those inviting [people] to dinner and those invited would set [the time] by the shadow. And thus the former would expect those who had been invited, and the latter would go off to the feasts -- observation not being the reason for which it was possible to prove how many hours had progressed.
Greek Original:*deka/pous skia/: to\ palaio\n oi( kalou=ntes e)pi\ dei=pnon kai\ kalou/menoi pareshmai/nonto th\n skia/n. kai\ ou(/tws oi( me\n e)/menon tou\s klhqe/ntas, oi( de\ a)ph/|esan e)pi\ ta\s e(stia/seis, ou)d' u(pothrh/sews ou)/shs ai)ti/as, e)f' h(=s oi(=o/n te h)=n tekmh/rasqai, ei)s po/sas w(/ras proh/kei.
Similarly in other lexica. See also
delta 178.
Keywords: chronology; comedy; daily life; definition; food
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 December 2003@15:20:56.
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