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Search results for delta,175 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,175
Translated headword: ten-mina, ten-mna
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] of ten m[i]nai.
"Scopas, general of the Aitolians, unsuccessful in his military campaign, wrote laws. And the king gave him a ten-m[i]na daily allowance for food, with those appointed under someone's command getting one m[i]na. Nevertheless he was not satisfied with these arrangements, and became the object of jealousy and dedicated his soul to money."[1]
100 drachmai make a m(i)na.[2]
Greek Original:*dekamnaiai=on: de/ka mna=s. *sko/pas, *ai)twlw=n strathgo/s, o(\s a)potuxw\n th=s stratei/as no/mous e)/grafe. kai\ o)yw/nion e)ce/qhken au)tw=| o( basileu\s e(ka/sths h(me/ras dekamnaiai=on, toi=s de\ e)pi/ tinos h(gemoni/as tetagme/nois mnaiai=on. a)ll' o(/mws ou)k h)rke/sqh tou/tois, kai\ fqonhqei\s to\ pneu=ma prosape/qhke tw=| xrusi/w|. r# de\ draxmai\ poiou=si mna=n.
The headword adjective is presumably extracted from the quotation given.
[1] An over-compressed version of (part of)
Polybius 13.2; cf.
sigma 653.
[2] cf.
delta 1516,
mu 1144.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 November 2001@05:54:14.
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