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Search results for delta,1701 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1701
Translated headword: intransigent
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] difficult to move, unalterable, difficult to shift, [one] who did not find [a way] to escape suffering. Thus they also say 'intransigent ditch': one which is not easy to undo.[1] Or, one who is immovable in anger or disposition or greediness, the type [they call] also 'intractable'.
Sophokles [says]: "[where, where] is he lying, the intransigent" -- that is the ill-tempered -- "the ill-named Aias?".[2] As even Aias himself said: "Ai! ai! Who would have ever thought that my name would provide such an appellation for my misfortune? Now I have reason to cry 'ai!' twice [...], for such are the misfortunes I am encountering."[3]
Greek Original:*dustra/pelos: duski/nhtos, a)meta/treptos, dusmeta/qetos, o(\s ou)x eu(=ren e)kfugei=n to\ pa/qos. ou(/tws le/gousi kai\ dustra/pelon o)/rugma, to\ ou)k eu)dia/luton. h)\ o( a)metaki/nhtos o)rgh=| h)\ diaqe/sei h)\ filarguri/a|, to\n au)to\n de\ kai\ a)tra/pelon. *sofoklh=s: kei=tai o( dustra/pelos, toute/stin o( du/skolos, o( dusw/numos *ai)/as. w(s kai\ au)to\s ei)=pen o( *ai)/as: ai)=, ai)=, ti/s a)/n pot' w)/|eq' w(=d' e)pw/numon tou)mo\n cunoi/sein o)/noma toi=s e)moi=s kakoi=s: nu=n ga\r pa/resti kai\ di\s ai)a/zein e)moi/, kai\ toi=s toiou/tois ga\r kakoi=s e)ntugxa/nw.
See also
delta 1700.
[1] So the transmitted text of this phrase, but it looks odd. Adler notes (but does not adopt) two suggested emendations of its noun: to
o)/rghma (cf. LSJ s.v.) or to
pra=gma (as in
Heniochus fr. 4 Kock and K.-A.).
Ajax 912 (web address 1), preceded by material from the
scholia there.
Ajax 430-433 (web address 2); cf.
alpha 748 (end),
alphaiota 91.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 2 March 2005@20:44:33.
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