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Search results for delta,1645 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1645
Translated headword: hard to move, immovable
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] unsoftened, hard to alter.[1] "Hades immovable, why did you snatch my lovely companion? Did Cypris[2] indeed madden your mind?"[3]
Greek Original:*duski/nhte: a)mei/likte, dusmeta/qete. *(/aidh duski/nhte, ti/ th\n e)pe/raston e(tai/rhn h(/rpasas; h)\ kai\ sh\n *ku/pris e)/mhne fre/na;
[1] Vocative case(s), as in the quotation which follows. The adjectives
duski/nhtos (the headword) and
dusmeta/qetos (the second gloss) are used together, as synonyms of
dustra/pelos (intractable), in a scholion to
Ajax 913.
*duski/nhtos occurs as a gloss in
Hesychius beta254, delta1042 and delta1061.
[2] On this epithet of Aphrodite see
kappa 2738 and, more extensively, the scholion to
Iliad 5.422, quoted in
Etymologicum Magnum 546.17 and
Etymologicum Gudianum 355.8.
Greek Anthology 7.221 5-6, by an unknown author (already at
alpha 467).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; mythology; poetry; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Stefano Sanfilippo on 16 April 2005@04:38:15.
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