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Search results for delta,1565 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1565
Translated headword: two
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Polybius [writes]: "to depart for a city which was two days distant."[1]
And again: "to choose one or the other of two, either this or that."[2]
Greek Original:*duei=n: *polu/bios: a)pelqei=n ei)s po/lin, h(\ duei=n me\n h(merw=n a)pei=xe. kai\ au)=qis: duei=n proele/sqai qa/teron, h)\ to\ h)\ to/.
The headword is a later form of the genitive/dative dual of
du/o, instead of
duoi=n (for which see
delta 1584).
Polybius fr. 32 Büttner-Wobst.
Polybius fr. 33 Büttner-Wobst. Büttner-Wobst notes (p. 518) that Dindorf, followed by Schweighäuser, rejected this fragment.
T. Büttner-Wobst, ed., Polybii Historiae, vol. IV, (Leipzig 1904)
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 25 December 2003@16:03:49.
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