It is a city in Epeiros[1]; and there is another in Thrace[2].
*dru=s: e)/sti me\n po/lis e)n *)hpei/rw|: e)/sti de\ kai\ e(te/ra e)n *qra/|kh|.
From Harpokration s.v., who cites
Demosthenes (23.132) and
Theopompus (FGrH 115 F161).
(NF)[1] The Epeirote city is unlocated.
[2] The Thracian city is most likely to refer to Drys/ Rouphinianai, on the Bithynian side of the Bosporus (See Barrington Atlas map 53 grid B3),
Bithynia often being deemed of Thracian origin. However, there is another contender in Thrake proper, Drousipara/Drusipara (in Thrakian something like 'Drys-village'). See Barrington Atlas map 52 grid B2.
There was also a Drys near
Priene, and
Stephanus of
Byzantium cites a city of Oinotria (SE Italy) and a village in
Kilikia by an unknown river Aros. The former is probably Hydruntum (from Hydrous>Drous), the latter in
Lykia (as in one manuscript) where there is a river Axos.
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