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Adler number: delta,1546
Translated headword: Dryopes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A lawless people from the region of
Delphi whom Heracles resettled.[1] For at the time when he was fetching the Erymanthian boar he sought food from them but they did not give him any.[2]
Greek Original:*dru/opes: e)/qnos peri\ th\n *puqw=na a)/dikon, o(\ *(hraklh=s metw/|kisen. o(/te ga\r to\n *)eruma/nqion ka/pron e)/feren, e)zh/tei au)tou\s trofh/n: oi( de\ ou)k e)/dwkan.
epsilon 3104,
kappa 349.
[1] The expelled Dryopes settled at Carystus in Euboea, in
Cyprus and in the Peloponnese at
Asine, Hermione and
Eion. See
Herodotus 8.46.4;
Thucydides 7.57.4;
Diodorus Siculus 4.37.2;
Pausanias 4.34.9-11.
[2] The fourth labour of Heracles was to capture the Erymanthian boar and bring it alive to Eurystheus at Mycenae. Because he was hungry, Heracles demanded one of the oxen belonging to the Dryopian king Theiodamas, who refused the request. Heracles killed Theiodamas and slaughtered the ox. See
Pherecydes FGrH 3 F19);
Apollodorus 2.7.1; Apollonius of
Argonautica 1.1212ff.;
Hymn to Artemis 160ff.
J. Miller, 'Dryopes' in RE 5,2, cols.1747-1749
Keywords: definition; ethics; food; geography; historiography; law; mythology; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 17 November 1999@04:11:04.
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