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Adler number: delta,1541
Translated headword: oaken
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] wooden, as one might say stony [li/qinos]; for every [kind of] wood is called dru=s ["oak"], according to the generic [use] of this [word].[1] Also [sc. illustrative of this generic use are] the a)kro/drua ["tree-fruits"],[2] dru/faktoi ["railings made of split wood"],[3] drumoi/ ["thickets"],[4] do/rata ["stems, trees, planks, shafts"],[5] dou/reios i(/ppos ["wooden horse"],[6] and drupe/peis e)la/ai ["olives ripened on the tree"].[7]
Perhaps also drupetei=s, the [olives] that fall from the tree. So drupepei=s [are] those which among us [are called] r(oupa/tai.[8]
Greek Original:*dru/inos: cu/linos, w(s a)/n tis ei)/poi li/qinos: pa=n ga\r cu/lon dru=s kalei=tai kata\ to\ geniko\n a)po\ tou/tou. kai\ ta\ a)kro/drua kai\ dru/faktoi kai\ drumoi\ kai\ do/rata kai\ dou/reios i(/ppos kai\ drupe/peis e)la/ai. i)/sws kai\ drupetei=s ai( a)po\ tou= de/ndrou pesou=sai. drupepei=s ou)=n ai( par' h(mi=n r(oupa/tai.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; mythology; poetry; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 March 2005@01:08:47.
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