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Search results for delta,1517 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1517
Translated headword: scythe-bearing four-horse chariots
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Darius, against whom Alexander [sc. the Great] fought a war, had scythe-bearing four-horse chariots,[1] built as follows: at the wheels[2] there were bronze scythes in a circle. This meant that as the chariots bore down on the ranks they caught them and those falling in died pitifully; for as the scythes drove in, some [lost] their feet, others their hands, and others were largely stripped of their armour and killed."
Greek Original:*drepanhfo/ra te/qrippa: h)=n de\ tw=| *darei/w| u(p' *)aleca/ndrou polemoume/nw| te/qrippa drepanhfo/ra kateskeuasme/na to\n tro/pon tou=ton. tw=n troxw=n h)=san ei)s to\n ku/klon perikexalkeume/na dre/pana: sune/baine/ te e)perxome/nwn ta\s ta/ceis a)nairei=sqai kai\ tou\s e)mpi/ptontas oi)ktrw=s a)po/llusqai: e)launome/nwn ga\r tw=n drepa/nwn oi( me\n tw=n podw=n, oi( de\ tw=n xeirw=n, oi( de\ e)k tw=n o(/plwn kratou/menoi e)su/ronto e)pi\ polu\ kai\ a)nh|rou=nto.
(Entry lacking, Adler reports, in four of the manuscripts.)
From an anonymous Alexander-historian: FGrH 151 F1 (section 12). For this Darius cf.
delta 74.
See also
delta 1518.
[1] For
tethrippa cf.
tau 238.
[2] Reading (with Jacoby) dative rather than this genitive.
Keywords: biography; clothing; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 May 2003@05:18:25.
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