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Search results for delta,1512 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1512
Translated headword: effective
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "A disciplined and peaceful character was arranged in him together with effectiveness[1] and manliness. A mild, reasonable man, in addition disinterested in politics and public affairs, yet, when he entered a showdown of actions, he did not at all fall short of those people who busy themselves with these matters."
Greek Original:*drasth/rion: to\ ko/smion kai\ h(su/xion meta\ tou= drasthri/ou au)tw=| e)te/takto kai\ tou= a)ndrw/dous: e)pieikh\s ga\r w)\n kai\ pro/s g' e)/ti a)pra/gmwn o(/mws ei)s a)gw=na pragma/twn e)mbebhkw\s e)c a)na/gkhs ou)deno\s e)lei/peto tw=n peri\ tau=ta kalindoume/nwn.
This quotation is variously attributed to
Eunapius (fr. 108 FHG [4.56] =
Fragmenta Historica 1. p.274) and
Life of Isidore fr. 62 Zintzen (28 Asmus, 31 Athanassiadi). The list of contrasting qualities in the unnamed subject is perhaps reminiscent of
Josephus' characterization of the Hasmonean rivals, Hyrcanus and Aristoboulus the younger (
Jewish Antiquities 13.407, 14.8 & 13; cf.
Epitome Historiarum 1 p.342-44).
[1] For the meaning of this term (which has generated the unglossed headword of the entry) see
delta 1513 and
delta 1514; and cf.
delta 1488.
Thucydides 2.63.3 (speech of Pericles) offers a famous instance of the neuter singular of this adjective -- there, as again here, with a definite article -- to refer to a quality in human character, i.e. 'the effective' = 'effectiveness', as translated here. Philosophers discussed
to\ kalon, 'the quality or attribute of beauty', as the abstract concept 'beauty'. Here the phrase
to\ ko/smion kai\ h(su/xion is translated as 'a disciplined and peaceful character',
tou= a)ndrw/dous as 'manliness'.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; philosophy; politics
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 15 March 2002@06:46:48.
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